Terri Farley
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November 1

Wow, I wonder if it's really true. I just read something about the Dosanko horse of Japan that sounds like fantasy. Here's how it happened...

For an English project, our class got to read to kids at the elementary school. Ivy, the little girl I was assigned, had already picked out a book she wanted to hear. And I was so lucky because she's a horse lover, too.

It's called WILD HORSE WINTER and it's supposed to be based on the adaptation of real-life wild horses on a Japanese island. The story says they survive harsh winters by allowing the snow to bury them completely.

I couldn't help thinking of the Phantom and his herd, up in their hidden valley and wondering if this would work for them. When I got home, I opened the freezer and took out some ice cubes and tried to hold three of them for five minutes. I only made it to one minute, and that was misery.

Still, there must be something to this idea and I'm going to track down the truth. I'll start in the library and on the Internet, and then talk to my biology teacher.

Until I know the facts, though, it's kind of fun thinking about fuzzy-coated horses, dreaming under snowflakes, and then rising up in the spring sunshine!