The Calico Mountain mustangs of Nevada inspired the mustang herds in my Phantom Stallion books.

When the Bureau of Land Management decreed a round up of these horses, I joined a lawsuit to stop them. When that failed, I witnessed the deadly winter helicopter round-ups and captivity which has led to over a hundred deaths.

Ghost Dancer and Shell Flower suffered facial and leg injuries, but survived to become friends. Now, the BLM is clearing the corrals of Calico Mountain horses and these mares have been placed on an Internet auction site.

The adobe and white mare is a Medicine Hat pinto. Her markings would have made her sacred to some Native American tribes. The Ghost Dance was a rite of rebirth.

Shell Flower, the black and white mustang, bears a translation of the birth name of Sarah Winnemucca, a Paiute woman responsible for negotiating peace between two worlds.

There's no way to tell how high Internet bidding will go, but all funds over their cost will be used for experienced mustang transport by Least Resistance Training Concepts and sponsorship of the mares at the Wild Horse Sanctuary in Shingletown, California, where they'll feel free again, roaming 5,000 acres in sight of Mount Shasta.

If you'd like to help sponsor Sage and Ghost Dance at the Wild Horse Sanctuary in Shingletown, California, where they'll feel free again, roaming 5,000 acres in sight of Mount Shasta, just follow this link and then click on Donate to the Calico Horses.

Follow the horses here:

Questions welcomed! [email protected]

Yin / Yang: Terri Farley and BLM, going opposite directions on the same road
photo taken and captioned by Cat Kindsfather